Teachers and educational support personnel: Here is your opportunity to serve fellow Wisconsin Retirement System members by participating on a WRS governing board! More Call for Nominations>
Are you one of the approximately 37,000 employees currently participating the Variable Trust Fund? ETF encourages you to periodically review and understand how the Variable Fund affects your benefits, both before and during retirement. More Variable Trust Fund>
Your WRS account is credited annually with the effective rate of interest. ETF will announce rates in February. In the meantime, see ETF’s projections for the Core effective rate and the Core annuity adjustment (for retirees). More Projections>
In the newest episode of the SWIB Podcast, hear how SWIB works with its actuaries to peer into the future to keep the WRS positioned to remain one of the only fully funded public pension funds in the country. Visit SWIB’s podcasts page to find this and other episodes.
Q: I am a new employee and on information overload. What’s the best way to learn about my WRS benefits and the options available to me?
A: In addition to your employer, ETF is the source for learning about your WRS benefits and how they work — not only now but throughout your career. Here’s a great to-do list. More Know Your Benefits>
We're offering extra sessions of this popular webinar through December 15. Topics include termination date, how to choose the optimal benefit effective date (for you), and the "January versus December" strategy that members ask about. Register now for this webinar with live Q&A or watch our on-demand video.
Contribution Rate Increases Set for 2023
Required contribution rates for 2023 will increase for all WRS employee categories, effective January 1. Find out what the rates are and how they will affect your paycheck. To learn more about why contribution rates change each year and how your WRS benefits are funded, watch our video.
Update: Deferred Compensation
There’s a lot to share about the Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program! Topics include tips for keeping your account safe and secure; new IRS contribution limits; and a popular investment option is changing its share class – and comes with a lower expense ratio. More WDC>
Other News & Features
How Does Interest Crediting Work?
Annual interest is credited each December 31 on monies that have been in the system for the full calendar year. This information can be found on your WRS Annual Statement of Benefits, distributed each April. Investment earnings affect your separation and money purchase retirement benefits and, in most cases, the death benefits payable if you die before taking a benefit. Visit ETF’s Latest Investment Performance page for calendar year-to-date investment returns, benchmarks for earnings, and 5- and 10-year performance averages.
GIB Simplifies ICI Program
The Group Insurance Board has approved changes to simplify the Income Continuation Insurance Program for employers and members. Changes include increasing the maximum earnings eligible for standard coverage and eliminating the supplemental coverage offering in 2024. More GIB>
Upcoming ETF Webinars
Take in an ETF webinar or two in your busy fall and winter calendars. We’ve scheduled five topics and 20 different sessions. Topics include the Variable Trust Fund, preparing for retirement, choosing your optimal retirement date, and how to add money to your WRS account. Get your questions answered by an ETF benefits specialist. Join us! Register for a webinar.
New! Video Series on Health Benefits
Here are three new videos to help group health insurance program members – whether new enrollees or long-time participants, retired or non-retired – understand how their benefits work and how to transition care to a new plan. More Videos>
Watch for Member Engagement Survey
ETF is emailing the 2022 Member Engagement Survey this month to WRS employees and retirees who have email addresses on file with ETF. If you receive the survey, please complete it as soon as possible. Your feedback is very important to us and our mission to provide quality benefits and services.
Free Retirement Readiness Review
Wisconsin Deferred Compensation Program members: Are you on track to reach your retirement savings goals? A free "retirement readiness" meeting with your local plan representative is easy to schedule. Together, you'll discuss such topics as asset allocation, your current savings rate, planned retirement age, and much more. Schedule an appointment today.